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健康美容機器・グッズ EXPO
ZIP Inc.

World's First! You can experience the amazing effects of ultra-high concentration electron reduced water, "Super Electron Water that extracts only free electrons from water using the redox reaction of ores''. "Reduce oxidized world with the power of Free Electrons."

All living things and things in the natural world, if left alone, will rapidly oxidize (positively charge, deteriorate, and age). It is the power of free electrons that can fundamentally reduce it (negatively charge and rejuvenate). An electron is an elementary particle that has a negative elementary charge. They behave like particles or waves. It is the source of all electromagnetic phenomena and is an extremely important element that determines the properties of matter. These electrons generate minute vibration waves (frequency). The minute vibration waves (frequency) cause a resonant resonance effect, and various phenomena occur. Please come to our booth!

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Exhibitor information

Company ZIP Inc.
Country Japan
Address 5-12-5 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, TokyoWada Bldg.
TEL 03-5485-2798