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健康美容機器・グッズ EXPO
Worldnet International Co., Ltd.

Japan's first 1.9 atmospheric pressure oxygen capsule + "new hydrogen" for a healthy life. Oxygen and hydrogen are efficiently delivered to every corner of the body, eliminating fatigue and illness!

Chronic fatigue, unexplained health problems, illness, insomnia.... Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, autonomic nervous system disorders, and Most modern diseases are caused by "lack of oxygen". The higher the atmospheric pressure, the more efficiently oxygen can be delivered to the capillary results in every corner of the body. This time, we would like to introduce the "new hydrogen" together with the "1.9 hyperbaric oxygen capsule"! The "Hydrogen Oxygen Gas" introduced here is the only patented product in the hydrogen industry, and has received positive feedback from medical and nursing care facilities. Please come and experience this new product !

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Company Worldnet International Co., Ltd.
Country Japan