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健康食品・サプリメント EXPO
SBI ALApromo Co., Ltd.

5-Aminolevulinic acid, the fundamental substance of life: Development of new foods and cosmetics with functional claims

Multifunctional amino acid "5-ALA (aminolevulinic acid)" that supports health, beauty, and vitality. 5-ALA activates the function of mitochondria and has various effects on the human body. As a food with functional claims, we have a track record of accepting various health complaints (blood glucose level, sleep, exercise efficiency improvement, fatigue reduction, mental care), and are attracting attention from various fields. In this article, we will introduce the evidence of 5-ALA and OEM proposals (health foods and cosmetics).

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Exhibitor information

Company SBI ALApromo Co., Ltd.
Country Japan
Address 1-6-1.Roppongi.Minato-kuIzumi Garden Tower 14F
TEL 03-6229-0092