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オーガニック&ナチュラル EXPO
Animal health is linked to the health of people. "Healthy Farming Project"

Animal health is linked to the health of people. "Healthy Farming Project"

"Healthy Farming Project" that we feed livestock feed containing functional ingredients (omega-3) found in flax, in order to maintain the health of livestock. As a result, it is now possible to produce livestock products with a well-balanced content of omega-3. We also to create products that are beneficial to your health use these livestock products. We will display actual livestock products (eggs, beef, yogurt, etc.) and also introduce the flax-containing feed that we use for healthy farming.

Examples of products on display

<div class='lum-box'><h4 class='fontColor_blue lum-font-size'>Free range omega fertilized eggs</h4>
         <div class='lum-font-cnt'>Free-range eggs. Being surrounded by nature and being able to get plenty of sunlight and move around on your own legs increases your physical strength and helps you develop a healthy body that is less susceptible to illness. By not restricting the chickens' natural behavior, they are less likely to be stressed, so they can lay healthy eggs. We feed our chickens a feed made from flax seeds, which is rich in the essential fatty acids omega-3.</div>

Free range omega fertilized eggs

Free-range eggs. Being surrounded by nature and being able to get plenty of sunlight and move around on your own legs increases your physical strength and helps you develop a healthy body that is less susceptible to illness. By not restricting the chickens' natural behavior, they are less likely to be stressed, so they can lay healthy eggs. We feed our chickens a feed made from flax seeds, which is rich in the essential fatty acids omega-3.
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<div class='lum-box'><h4 class='fontColor_blue lum-font-size'>Kikuchi Gengo beef </h4></div>
        	 	<div class='lum-font-cnt'>At Kikuchi Utopia Farm, we have carried out the recycling-based livestock farming that has been passed down in this area since ancient times, and have thoroughly raised our livestock using the blessings of nature.
In addition, considering those who do not like beef tallow, we mix flaxseed into the feed to create a meat quality that brings out the effects of omega-3 fatty acids.
Kikuchi Gengo beef is a meat that is friendly to people and the global environment.</div>

Kikuchi Gengo beef

At Kikuchi Utopia Farm, we have carried out the recycling-based livestock farming that has been passed down in this area since ancient times, and have thoroughly raised our livestock using the blessings of nature. In addition, considering those who do not like beef tallow, we mix flaxseed into the feed to create a meat quality that brings out the effects of omega-3 fatty acids. Kikuchi Gengo beef is a meat that is friendly to people and the global environment.
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<div class='lum-box'><h4 class='fontColor_blue lum-font-size'>MILK’ORO Aging Yogurt</h4></div>
        		 <div class='lum-font-cnt'>MILK'ORO Aging Yogurt with two layers of thick cream and fresh yogurt.
The cream made from non-homogenized milk has a chewy texture, and the yogurt has a rich, rare cheesecake-like taste and a high degree of freshness, giving it a melty, refreshing, and gentle sweetness.
We feed a natural diet containing omega-3 to the cows and produce additive-free milk that contains more natural omega-3 ingredients.</div>

MILK’ORO Aging Yogurt

MILK'ORO Aging Yogurt with two layers of thick cream and fresh yogurt. The cream made from non-homogenized milk has a chewy texture, and the yogurt has a rich, rare cheesecake-like taste and a high degree of freshness, giving it a melty, refreshing, and gentle sweetness. We feed a natural diet containing omega-3 to the cows and produce additive-free milk that contains more natural omega-3 ingredients.
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<div class='lum-box'><h4 class='fontColor_blue lum-font-size'>SHIMABARA MILK</h4></div>
        		<div class='lum-font-cnt'>SHIMABARA milk from dairy farmers mainly in Shimabara City, Nagasaki Prefecture.
Shimabara is known as the City of Water, and in its pure spring water and rich natural environment, the fresh raw milk delivered to Shimabara's factory every day.
The farmers feed the natural diet containing omega-3 from Lyn product to the cows.</div>


SHIMABARA milk from dairy farmers mainly in Shimabara City, Nagasaki Prefecture. Shimabara is known as the City of Water, and in its pure spring water and rich natural environment, the fresh raw milk delivered to Shimabara's factory every day. The farmers feed the natural diet containing omega-3 from Lyn product to the cows.
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<div class='lum-box'><h4 class='fontColor_blue lum-font-size'>AMAKUSA  DAIOH</h4></div>
        	 <div class='lum-font-cnt'>Amakusa Daioh is a magnificent chicken with a very large body, reaching a height of 90 cm and a weight of 7 kg.
We feed our chickens with feed rich in amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals, and raise them with lots of love over a long period of time as naturally as possible, just like chickens.
It has gained high praise and popularity from professional chefs as an ideal ingredient in all aspects, including taste and ease of use.</div>


Amakusa Daioh is a magnificent chicken with a very large body, reaching a height of 90 cm and a weight of 7 kg. We feed our chickens with feed rich in amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals, and raise them with lots of love over a long period of time as naturally as possible, just like chickens. It has gained high praise and popularity from professional chefs as an ideal ingredient in all aspects, including taste and ease of use.
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Exhibitor information

Company Animal health is linked to the health of people. "Healthy Farming Project"
Country Japan
Address 2081-10, Tabaru, Mashikimachi, KamimashikigunKumamoto
TEL 096-289-3116