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TsubameLabo, inc.

Comprehensive Sex Education and Self-Care with the Theme "Free Choice for Your Body”

In Japan, which prevents people from having sufficient opportunities to learn about sex. The "Hajimete Kit" is a set that includes a guidebook for acquiring sexual knowledge, supervised by a doctor and a midwife, as well as condoms and lubricating jelly for practice, with the hope that "the first time you have sex will be safe and proactive. Also on display will be caffeine-free teas from BRÁCT, a self-care brand for the busy multitasking generation, to help women with their fluctuations. We will directly visit producers across the country to bring you products made with carefully selected ingredients.

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Exhibitor information

Company TsubameLabo, inc.
Country Japan
Address Hanegi, Setagaya, TokyoKikkoshin Ha 64, 1-21-1
TEL 03-6379-6455